
Why is Atheism Suddenly a Movement?

I was watching an interview with Ricky Gervais, and I have to say that normally I love that guy. I think he’s fabulously hilarious, but I don’t understand his need to spread Atheism. It seems like an odd thing to talk about. I mean I get that he doesn’t believe in a God and that is his right. We are allowed to believe anything we want. My problem is his need to explain to everyone that he doesn’t believe, why he doesn’t believe and try to talk other people out of believing.

StupidAtheistBeliefsSee, here’s my thing. I don’t like Football (American or otherwise). I just don’t really care for it in any way. I see people fighting over it, and obsessing over it. I see people who have their team that they love and believe in win or lose. I see people who never miss a Sunday. I see people who worship the players, and dress in their gear…. and I don’t care.

I don’t go around talking about how they’re stupid to be so hung up on a game they aren’t actually playing, or that they have no right to root for a team that has never won a championship… I just don’t care. This is not something that I spend an awful lot of time thinking about.. unless I happen to date a crazed fan and it directly impacts my life.. or I’m looking for a comparison for my article.

The truth of the matter is that I don’t care what you like or dislike, what you believe or don’t believe, as long as you don’t try to put your beliefs on me. So the new Atheist movement to me is just a new fanatical religion. They are so sure they are right that they have to convince everyone else that they are wrong. Why does it matter?